Home. The presents I bought for Faith, Chad, and Holly are laid out on my bed. And now the fun of wrapping them and sending them off.

For Faith -- Gil and Felicity's oldest daughter -- I bought Peet's coffee, curry powder from the Indian store on University Ave, white pepper and an array of exotic organic herbs from the health food store on Telegraph. The one that looks like a museum of vegetables. And I went to China Town in Oakland to buy a special kind of hot sauce which she likes. All things which are hard to buy on the farm in Vermont where she lives. Their life beautifully settled. No one else I know so seemingly happy and content. She's a first violinist with the Symphony. He does something scientific for the Forest Service.

I wrapped each of the things I had bought her in gold paper. Tied each package with a green ribbon. Arranged them in a basket which I had bought at the import store in Jack London Square.

Murphy sat beside me, watching me tie on the ribbons. I wiggled a ribbon in front of his nose, but he looked at me is if I was crazy. ("Humans!")
