a long silence

Mr. H_ (his work was well known in Vermont)
didn't believe in grades for art.
We were given the grade of our average in school.
At grading time I sat in his office
while he paged through my portfolio.
Without a word.
"What is your grade average?"
"Are you sure it is that high?"
"Yes." I flushed. Gathered up my work. Fled.

I want to shove my reviews down his throat. But he is dead.

Let Sid see what I had written.

"Dorothy, as you are aware your old college has expressed an interest in buying one of your works. They are willing to spend quite a lot of money," he said.

In the center of the restaurant, metal trays were sunk in a long table. Warm Indian breads. Chicken curries redolent of far away countries. Hot climates and crowded streets. Our table beside a street level window. Watched people go by. Just below the campus. Berkeley.
about this work | begin again | Dorothy Abrona McCrae | Judy Malloy |